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Folsom Fair Frolics

Critical mass occurred around 2pm, Sunday, 26 Sept., 2004

Article by JG-Leathers
24 Oct, 2004
heard about the Folsom Street Fair quite a few years ago, and each year over the past four, had promised myself that I’d attend and see if all the stories were true. (They are.) Until this year, I’d
been unable to manage it for a variety of reasons but, the Gods were kind, and so I flew into San Francisco on Sunday. After dropping off the usual two, 70 lb bags of toys at Mark’s place, we headed off to the fair.
The promoters couldn’t have asked for better weather, with the temperature up around 75 F and a bright clear day with no evidence of that dank San Francisco fog to mar the festivities. We entered Folsom at the West end of the Faire site, then began walking along and checking out the assorted characters wandering by.

West end entrance to the Folsom Street Fair, and just some of the happy folks who welcomed us to the event. A very modest donation of $4 was required for entry, and it all went to a good cause - AIDS research and prevention.

I felt like the typical, small town looky-loo, let loose in the big city for the first time, and it’s a good thing I wear glasses, for I’m sure my eyes would have fallen out on the sidewalk, even though I tried not to stare, at least too hard. Damn!
The variety of people and costumes was mind-boggling. There was everything from totally naked guys walking nonchalantly along (some leashed and some just free spirits) to a totally latex-covered couple. Being who I am, I spotted them right away.
The variety of costumes I saw was staggering and I even found a leather ‘dog’ that made the most amazing howls and begged wonderfully, especially when I offered to pour some beer down his snout.
As you can see in the two photos to the right, this dog had very expressive eyes, and was quite at home begging for any kind of attention - or treat!
Amazon’s, transvestites, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, male and female gay couples, heterosexual couples, kids, elders, and acres and acres of bronzed male and female skin, were a delight to the eye. Although the Faire began as a gay-oriented event and still retains a predominant element of that life style, from what I’ve been told and from what I could see, it has begun to turn into more and more of a pan-sexual oriented event and welcomes folks from all parts of the kink spectrum, something I was glad to see and enjoy.
Talk about concentrated kinkery! I’ve never seen so many happily-bent folks together in one place at one time, and it was refreshing and entertaining to know that even though in vanilla plumage when I attended, I most certainly wasn’t alone and accepted for how I appeared
The whole event was extremely well organized and there were plenty of beer tents (important!), food stalls, and relief stations scattered throughout the venue. One street was dedicated to a dance and music display and the beat reverberated up and down Folsom, with nearly everyone I saw just having a blast to the pounding beat. I turned up one street and spotted a 40 ton crane, with a steel go-go cage suspended about 70 feet in the air and inside was a character going just nuts to the music. On the street below was a crazy conga line, and a raft of strangely costumed dancers, together with a couple of guys doing a great flag dance. All down the centre of Folsom Street, for the full 7 or 8 blocks of the Faire venue, was a line of booths that offered an incredible array of services, books, DVD’s, and all sorts of other merchandise.
Mark and I (left picture) agreed to meet back at the Mr S/Madame S booth, around four o’clock, if we became separated, and the separation was pretty much guaranteed to happen, given my curiosity and all of the eye candy floating past. Mark is an old hand at these events and so knew what he wanted to concentrate on, whereas I could only just walk along with my jaw dragging on the ground, not really knowing where the hell I was going, and, truth to tell, not really caring that much. I was just having a ball.
Eventually, not having had breakfast, and no food to speak of on the plane on the way down, I stopped by one of the stands and grabbed a Smoky-type hot dog with all the trimmings, and a beer, and continued wandering along, until I eventually found myself drawn back to the Mr S area again. It was the focus of a huge crowd, and as I drew closer I could see why.
A steel tube-type suspension pyramid had been set up, as well as a St. Andrew’s Cross whipping stand, and in the centre of the tubular pyramid a young lady was being slowly, carefully, and very securely roped into place. She soon happily dangled in mid-air, much to the delight of the crowd packed around the area. It turned out the expert rope bondage guy was JD of the famous Knotty Boys.
At the same time a succession of willing male ‘victims’ were being strapped to the St. Andrew’s cross and receiving some pretty intense floggings, much to the delight of both themselves and the onlookers. For a few of them, Richard Hunter himself (the owner of Mister S) took centre stage and had a blast doing his thing. He, like all true practitioners, concentrated totally on his play partner of the moment, and I admired his diamond point focus while he wielded the flogger.
While I'd been off on my walk about, Mark had not been idle. He'd discovered a delightful young lady, being fully ensconced in a decorative latex cat suit and, being the aficionado he is of beautiful ladies and latex, especially in combination, he wasted no time in taking a lot of pictures of her, as you can see below.
She, of course was not the sweet innocent lady that she may have appeared to be, and after getting fully dressed, found a willing, warm body, (not a hard thing to do, given the atmosphere!) and soon had him strapped securely into the Mauser bondage chair and began exerting her evil ways. Obviously she was enjoying herself as much as the chair's occupant.
I never considered the prospect that I’d actually become an active participant in the festivities, but as matters turned out, the latex clad couple I’d met earlier were folks I’d corresponded with ('KitNBoots' and Reed), belonging to smOdyssey. They recognized me almost immediately, although I certainly didn’t recognize them. Mark had been talking to Richard Hunter and he’d arranged to have the gentleman in the latex suit strapped into the Mauser’s bondage chair on display, but the lady, a petite and bouncy person, seemed at somewhat of a loss. Being ever the gentleman (ha!) I volunteered my skills, what with there being an unoccupied chair beside Mauser's creation, and to my great delight, no sooner had the words come out of my mouth than she was sitting down and waiting for me to get busy.
KitNBoots (photo above): I had a rather surreal and blissful time this year at the Folsom Street Fair. I felt like a visitor from the kinky cosmos to “Planet Pervert” in my otherworldly rubber attire. As I walked along the rows of booths, all kinky, I felt the warmth of the friendly, sexy humans around me. I got the feeling that I was “just visiting this planet”, if you know what I mean?
The encasement of my latex outfit gave me perfect anonymity. As a sometimes vain woman, it was wonderful for once in my life not to have a worry about the appearance of my hair or makeup. For that afternoon, I got to be a lovely, exotic creature in a sleek, shiny latex skin, freed of conventional, Earthly beauty standards.
I felt another sense of freedom, too ... I was free to frolic and flirt with the inhabitants of this planet and found the natives to be more than welcoming. Many took great interest documenting my visit, taking numerous photographs of my traveling companion and I all sorts of poses and situations. What fun! I can't wait do this again next year!
The crowd thickened quickly, everyone watching intently while both she and her companion were bound securely into their respective chairs, and it was a lot of fun to occasionally glance around and watch them all watching us. I had the distinct pleasure of firmly securing the latex covered young lady to the unforgiving iron chair, and all the while she remained fully concealed within her suit and incredibly restrictive gas mask. As a matter of fact, she never removed the mask for the entire time I saw her at Folsom and it must have been quite a trying experience, but we all find our own forms of pleasure and she was a sight to see.
While standing there beside my gas-masked captive, still strapped securely and inescapably in the iron chair, I was approached by quite a few of the crowd and asked how one got in line to be placed on the flogging frame. I had to laugh at myself, having slid so easily, once more, into the on-going scene.
Mark, as usual, continually zoomed about with his camera, taking pictures of all and sundry. From that point on, things began to wind down slowly as the sun went west, although there were still a lot of things going on, all around and eventually, the various booths started to come down. We did our own packing up then trundled Mauser’s chair off down the street on a dolly, gathering many curious stares from the passing cars.
All in all, it was a great day and a wonderful event. Next year, I plan on bringing The Creature down for an excursion along Folsom, and Mark will probably bring his chair along also.
I think we can open the crowd's eyes even more.
  Click HERE for information about the author JG-Leathers.