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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
During Mayumi's first bondage party, she experienced the unforgiving grip of metal shackles and a heavy steel cage
Story and photos by Mark, modeling by Mayumi
02 Oct, 2002
his was Mayumi's first bondage party, and I was surprised that she even showed up at all. Most women would feel unsafe attending their first bondage party alone, however I'm an honest and
and considerate person - and I assume that Mayumi just trusted me and my alluring invitation.
The party was a lot of fun; forty or so people showed up for an evening of bondage play, kinky conversation, and a great potluck dinner. I never asked Mayumi if she enjoyed herself, but I assume she had a good time because there was so much to see and do.
As the party progressed, Mayumi became more comfortable with everyone, and soon discovered that kinky people are just like everyone else. They are warm and friendly. There was bondage happening in every room of my house, including the kitchen! Between all the bondage gear I had and the gear that other people brought, there were plenty of opportunities to give bondage a try.
One thing led to another, and later that evening I found Mayumi and some of my guests in the play room, where a heavy steel cage was just waiting to be occupied.
Mayumi discovers that being shackled and locked inside of a steel cage isn't that bad after all. As a matter of fact, it's quite comforting - under the right conditions!
The cage is one of my favorite toys because it's so damn heavy and intimidating. It's made of solid steel, weighs over 200 pounds, and has an extremely heavy door a giant sliding bolt lock. If you ever became stuck in this cage because someone lost the key, you would be in BIG TROUBLE.
The cage has a soft padded floor which allows someone to be confined for hours, or even overnight - but I don't know anyone who would want to to do that.
I asked Mayumi if she would like to experience being locked inside the cage, and without hesitation she climbed inside, leather pants, boots, sweater and all. I suppose, as the old saying goes, nothing ventured nothing

gained? I only wish I had been invited to a bondage party like this when I was first exploring the BDSM scene.
I proceeded to gather my locks and chains, metal shackles, leather straps, and double-lined leather helpless mitts. I enjoy using a lot of extra gear to secure someone once they're inside the cage. I already knew exactly what position I was going to restrain Mayumi in, because I had secured myself in this very position in the cage many times before. I often feel jealous because I would rather be restrained in the cage myself than give someone else the experience!
First, I secured Mayumi's lower torso to the cage by threading two thick leather straps between her legs and another strap around her waist. These straps ran through the bars of the cage, pulling her torso up against the back end of the cage. As a matter of course, I always use tight leather straps between women's legs when I'm tying them up.
I then shackled her booted ankles to each side of the cage, and with bigger shackles I was able to suspend her thighs from the overhead bars. This creates a wonderfully helpless and vulnerable feeling.
Once her legs were secure, I attached a metal collar around her neck, and secured it with three chains - to each side of the cage, and to the rear of the cage. This prevents Mayumi from moving her head to far in any direction, as she might try to dislodge her blindfold by rubbing it against something in the cage.
Next, I slid the double-lined leather helpless mitts over her hands, and locked the metal shackles around her wrists preventing her from removing the mitts.
These thick leather mitts keep her fingers out of mischief, and provide her with a more intense feeling of helpless. Personally, I love the feeling of the helpless mitts when I wear them myself, don't they look intense and scary?

The last step was to suspend her wrist shackles from the overhead bars of the cage. This keeps her hands and arms up and away from her body, so she can't protect herself from probing hands.
I have to pause here for a moment and point out that metal bondage gear is just so darn delightful to play with. Unlike leather, metal has a very unforgiving and unyielding feel. It's definite, and a bit harsh to the unacquainted. Metal bondage gear also makes a wonderful sound when it clicks and clanks - reminding you of your limits.
After I completed Mayumi's bondage, she started to twist and squirm. I think the tight leather straps between her legs were having the desired effect. Sexual arousal usually increases one's awareness of their helplessness, and increases the enjoyment as well!
Suddenly the room became very quite. We were each in our own private world of thoughts, imaging what it would feel like to be in Mayumi's position. We were also imagining what we would do to Mayumi if nobody else were in the room. It would be so easy to reach in between the bars of the cage and fondle her breasts and thighs. (Mayumi told me later that she was having these same thoughts) All too often people shy away from having extraordinary experiences like this because of fear, but in this case Mayumi wanted our attention as much as we would liked to have given it to her, which is why she volunteered to try the cage.
Wisps of hair fell over Mayumi's soft leather blindfold. Her lips told us of her thoughts. We could hear her breaths, and she could hear ours. She was indeed under our control, and we each felt a sense of responsibility and caring for this beautiful and helpless caged woman. Our sexual desires tinted our vision, we stood spellbound, unable to take our eyes off this unusual site. There might not be another time in our lives that we would see such an attractive and sexually mature woman be so vulnerable, shackled and locked inside of a steel cage like an animal. This seemed like a strange dream.
"How are you doing?" I whispered. Mayumi didn't answer. She was far, far away, experiencing her own emotions - emotions of a newborn child, and at the same time, emotional bliss. I have seen this look many times before, and I've experience it myself. Mayumi felt safe, wanted, cared for, and no longer responsible for herself. We are touching the essence of her childhood emotions.
This experience would normally be frightening, but Mayumi was among friends. You see, people don't usually experience this odd mixture of feelings: loss of control, sexual vulnerability, and at the same time - warmth and safety.
While Mayumi was restrained in this intense bondage her mind could only relax, because there was absolutely no way to escape. The bondage is simply overwhelming, and the feel of the unforgiving metal shackles is a constant reminder of no escape. At the same time Mayumi is comfortable and safe, and in no danger. This allows her to slip into a wonderful emotional space of calmness and bliss - experiences of a baby or young child?
Mayumi seemed content in her temporary home. Were we all dreaming? Was I dreaming? I wanted to leave her in the cage and pretend she was mine. I wanted to own her and use her as I pleased - I wanted to keep her as my mate, and as my pet. But most of all, I was hoping that she was enjoying her bondage experience as much as we were!
Click HERE for information about the author Mark
Equipment List:
Leather straps, blindfold, cage, and wrist, ankle, thigh and neck shackles - Mister S
* When purchasing gear from these businesses, please mention that you saw their products featured on! Thank you!